Episode 100 | 100 Episodes and the Child Life Reflections

Episode 100 | 100 Episodes and the Child Life Reflections

Podcast Show Notes

It’s the 100th episode! 

Today I’m opening up a bit and letting you get to know more about me as well as more about what a child life specialist does. I will be sharing my thoughts about the holiday season, and then I will answer some questions about child life. 

In this episode, we talk about…

[2:57] The child life perspective on dealing with holiday feelings

As child life specialists, we have knowledge of child development and the psychosocial impacts of illness, hospitalizations, and stress. I have been able to apply a lot of that to my own life, and one thing I have noticed for myself and my family is that the anticipation of the event carries great emotion – almost more so than when the event actually takes place. 

One example of this is planning to put up the Christmas decorations. I was looking forward to Christmas this year and my kids are at this really fun age, but I also have a ton of stuff going on. I’m building a company and my kids have been sick, and I just wasn’t in the mood to decorate. My husband got the boxes down from the attic and they sat around for a while before I could even get started.  

So in the hospital, sometimes we have anticipation around whether or not something will hurt or feel uncomfortable. The buildup is so much worse than the actual shot or procedure.

As we drift into the holidays, I can put a lot of pressure on wanting it to be perfect. I want to accomplish a lot of things, and have everyone love their gifts. I’m working on looking for the joy and staying away from high expectations.

[7:21] A commonly held belief about my role that I passionately disagree with

Child life specialists are often seen as just the “play lady”. We absolutely know that it is not, but that is what people see us doing a lot of the time. I have been called “the girl with the iPad” and now there is an Instagram account called The Girl with the iPad that posts child life jokes and memes. It can be hurtful for us to have our role reduced to these things, because there is a method to what we do and it is important for kids. When children are hospitalized, going through a hard time, or coping with grief and loss, play is instrumental. We need to embrace what we do and advocate for its importance.

[8:41] What I wish my younger self knew about being a child life specialist

I would say that I wish. I knew I could create opportunities for myself that didn’t follow the road that was laid out for me. And that if you have a dream, you can accomplish it. I don’t know if I wish my younger self knew that, because maybe I would have been a little bit too cocky back then. I do think there is some importance in following the journey, learning the frameworks, and then taking your other skills and gifts and go forward.

[9:22] What I would buy with ten times my current budget

If I had ten times my budget for Child Life On Call, I would be hiring child life specialists left and right.I would be gearing up our content to beyond what I am able to figure out and create with the help of my amazing students.

If I had more money for child life in the hospital, I would undoubtedly put an iPad in every room. Technology is so important for families to be able to connect, to research, and to have some distraction. There are so many amazing things that technology can give us, and if we could give families access to those at all times from the comfort of their own rooms, I think that would be fabulous.

[10:35] Something everybody in my industry should start doing

We all need to think about mental health as part of physical health. I have anxiety, and it has flowed into depression. Therapy has helped me to address and process through some issues, and we all have events in our lives that deserve some time and attention to work through the emotional and physical effects. All of that is added to what we see in the hospital and around families and children who are suffering.  

Mental health is health, no matter how you want to address it. If you want to get a therapist, practice mindfulness, or exercise. It’s just as important as taking care of your physical health.

[12:11] The biggest challenge child life is facing today

I would say the biggest challenge that child life is facing today is a lack of digital tools and resources to help them accomplish their job. And then secondly, the high cases of burnout and the lack of self-care and self-advocacy

Another challenge is the salary. We are not paid well enough. Our fees for memberships and conferences are incredibly expensive. My husband is a nurse anesthetist and his stuff is not cheap, but he makes significantly more money. I would never be able to do this podcast if I didn’t have him as a partner. So I’m doing it for all of us, and I want all of your input because it’s not just about what I think and need. I’m trying to build a service for child life specialists.

[13:37] How I self-educate

I listen to podcasts, allowing me to listen to other parents and healthcare professionals. I never would have learned how to podcast if I didn’t get into YouTube.

[13:56] The topic of a book I would want to write

I have a lot of topics in mind for a book, but one is sharing the stories and the wisdom that we have gathered on this podcast for the past four-and-a-half years. We have over 105,000 downloads of parents giving wisdom to their younger selves and to parents who are out there going through the same kinds of things.

[14:29] Wrapping up the year

If you like these solo episodes, let me know if I should do more. Thank you for celebrating the 100th episode with me, and for being a part of this journey. Happy holiday season, and happy new year. I’m looking forward to everything coming in 2022!

Have you heard? The Child Life On Call mobile app for parents, kids and their care team will be available in 2022. Sign up to stay informed here

Child Life On Call is a community of parents and professionals that share ideas, stories and resources to help YOU navigate your child’s unique experiences. We give you strategies to support yourself and your family through life’s challenges. We are so glad you are here.


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