Episode 81 |How to Support Your Kids for Back to School

Episode 81 |How to Support Your Kids for Back to School

Podcast Show Notes

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This is a quick 12-minute talk addressing how to prepare children for back-to-school.  My son is going into first grade, and during last school year I was able to apply a lot of my Child Life skills to him.  I want to share with you how you can help your child (and yourself!) get ready for the next school year, especially in light of all the unknowns.

In this episode, I talk about…

[1:43] Start slowly back into your routine

[2:52] The importance of preparation

[5:00] Focusing on the new positive relationships they will build

[6:02] Guiding the conversation toward what works best for your child

[8:54] Supporting your child when you aren’t with them

[9:31] The follow-up once they get home from school


Have you heard?  The Child Life On Call mobile app for parents, kids and their care team will be available in 2022.  Sign up to stay informed here.


Child Life On Call is a community of parents and professionals that share ideas, stories and resources to help YOU navigate your child’s unique experiences. We give you strategies to support yourself and your family through life’s challenges.  We are so glad you are here.


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Check out this episode!

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