
Child Life 101: [Week 4] Supporting Siblings: How Child Life Specialists Can Help

Child Life 101: [Week 4] Supporting Siblings: How Child Life Specialists Can Help

Child life specialists play an essential role in supporting siblings of children who are hospitalized or have an illness. It’s not easy for siblings to see their brother or sister in pain, and they often feel left out or neglected during their hospitalization. As a child life specialist, I understand the importance of providing emotional and practical support to siblings to help them cope and stay connected with their family. In this blog post, I’ll share some ways that child life specialists can help siblings during this challenging time

NICU Siblings

NICU Siblings

Having a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) can be a challenging experience for any family. When you have older children, it can be even more of a struggle to explain what's happening and help them bond with their new sibling. As a child life specialist...

Comfort positions

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Being close to a trusted adult is powerful. It lessens pain and brings comfort when kids need it most. This guide shows you how to keep kids safe, and help them feel supported, during medical procedures. From the Meg Foundation for Pain and Child Life On Call.

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