Download the SupportSpot App

Now Available FOR PARENTS on iOS and Android Devices

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Impact of the Child Life On Call App, Now Called SupportSpot


of users report high satisfaction, appreciating the app’s comprehensive resources and user-friendly interface.


of parent users say the app helped them understand medical procedures and treatment better.


of parents believe the app has contributed to better health outcomes for their child.


of parent users believe the app has made them feel more empowered to advocate for their child in healthcare

Child Life on Call


220+ Episodes

Parent stories and expert support on navigating healthcare as a parent or caregiver.

What our Partner Organization Leaders Are Saying:

My favorite part of the SupportSpot app is knowing that there is support for parents even when I can’t be there as a one-person program.

I feel like it fills some of the gaps that we’re missing by not having multiple specialists!

I love that it empowers parents to advocate for their own children by giving them the information they need to feel confident.

Katie Maxwell, CCLS

Christus Trinity Mother Frances

One of my favorite things about SupportSpot is the glossary of procedures and diagnoses- everyone having access to this same resource helps to make sure everyone is using the same language with kids and caregivers which improves understanding and less confusion.….

A close second is the healthcare heroes section…. It allows patients and families to feel connected to the staff taking care of them, even if it’s their first time meeting them!

Katie Noll, CCLS

Lead Child Life Specialist, Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital

I love that because of Support Spot, we can give access to child life services to so many people who really need the information, because they otherwise wouldn’t have it.
Betsy Pilon, Medical Parent

Executive Director, Hope for HIE

Comfort positions

Download the Comfort Positioning Guide



Being close to a trusted adult is powerful. It lessens pain and brings comfort when kids need it most. This guide shows you how to keep kids safe, and help them feel supported, during medical procedures. From the Meg Foundation for Pain and Child Life On Call.

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