I used to get so annoyed when I’d ask my parents, “what do you want for XX holiday?” and inevitably the answer would be, “just time with you.”
But, now that I’m a mom, I get it (plus a splash of a spa day please, and thank you).
In all seriousness, dads do so much for us and if you’re lucky enough to have yours or your child’s dad around, showing them love on Father’s Day is an easy way to reinforce your family system. Some of you reading this blog may be missing your dad, separated geographically, emotionally, or spiritually. Holidays tend to bring up both joys and sorrows; sometimes they happen simultaneously.
In order to make this day a little bit easier on you, we wanted to share some of our favorite dad resources:
And for those of you that have children that are physically separated from dad during the holiday, we recommend this activity: