Episode 6 | Tricia’s Story – A daughter diagnosed with Rolandic Epilepsy

Episode 6 | Tricia’s Story – A daughter diagnosed with Rolandic Epilepsy

Podcast Show Notes

Episode 6 features Tricia, a mama who lives in the southwest side of Chicago.  Tricia bring a unique perspective and understanding of child development in her experience based on the fact that she has her masters in early childhood development and education, is currently an adjunct faculty member at Depaul University and is also a doula.

In this episode, you’ll hear Tricia talk about the fight of a lifetime to find a diagnosis for her daughter, Cora, who is now 13 years old. After four and a half years of countless doctors and very little sleep, Tricia learned that her daughter has Rolandic Epilepsy.

If you are going through a similar experience, Tricia recommends getting in touch with the Epilepsy Foundation and finding a local chapter in your area. If you happen to live in the greater Chicago area, she also recommends Danny Did and Equip for Equality. If you’d like to get in touch with Tricia, you can do so via her email, Facebook or Twitter.

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