"I had to teach myself to advocate – no one should leave a hospital with more trauma than they came with."- Julie Walters In this episode, Katie speaks with Julie Walters, a mom of two neurodivergent children, entrepreneur, and fierce advocate for inclusion and...
[Child Life 101] Empowering Parents: How Child Life Specialists Teach Effective Advocacy
Podcast Show Notes
Do you want to feel empowered and confident in advocating for your child’s healthcare needs? Are you searching for a solution that will help you effectively speak up for your child in healthcare settings?
In this episode, I will be sharing the key to unlocking your advocacy potential, enabling you to achieve the outcome you desire – ensuring the best possible care for your child. By exploring the role of child life specialists, together we will explore how child life provides you with the knowledge and tools necessary to become a formidable advocate.
Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and uncertain, and hello to being a strong and effective voice for your child’s healthcare needs. They show you how to understand your child’s needs and empower you to advocate for their wellbeing.
In this episode, you will be able to:
- Understand why parental advocacy is essential to getting the best possible health outcome for the child
- Learn how child life specialists use their skills to help parents learn how to advocate
- Be aware of the challenges of advocating in healthcare and how child life supports parents during those times.
The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:21 – Introduction,
00:01:11 – The Importance of Parent Advocacy,
00:03:10 – Research on Caregiver Advocacy,
00:04:22 – Teaching Parents How to Advocate,
00:07:28 – Overcoming Challenges of Advocacy
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Visit Child Life On Call’s website at childlifeoncall.com/parents to access more information and free resources to help support your child’s unique needs.
- Tune in to the Child Life On Call podcast every Wednesday to hear parent stories and gain insights from those who have gone through similar experiences.
- Explore the different episodes of Child Life On Call 101, where we cover various topics related to child life specialist practices, to learn more about how you can implement these tools and tips into your family life or professional work.
- Sign up for updates and newsletters from Child Life On Call to stay informed about new resources, events, and opportunities to further support your child’s healthcare journey.
- Take advantage of the educational and emotional support provided by Child Life On Call specialists to help you navigate the hospital system and effectively advocate for your child’s needs.
- Share your journey and experiences as a parent on the Child Life On Call podcast to support and inspire others going through similar situations.
- Connect with the Child Life On Call community through social media platforms to engage with other parents and caregivers who are also navigating the healthcare system and advocating for their children.
- Consider becoming a member of Child Life On Call to
Every family deserves a child life specialist.
Whether you’re a parent, healthcare professional, or simply interested in learning more about child life, this podcast is for you.
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Meet the host:
Katie Taylor is the co-founder and CEO of Child Life On Call, a digital platform revolutionizing pediatric healthcare by putting parents at the center of the medical journey. With over 13 years of experience as a certified child life specialist, Katie has made significant contributions to the field. She is an accomplished author, an engaging speaker on child life and entrepreneurship, and the host of the Child Life On Call Podcast. Katie’s work emphasizes the vital role of child life services in supporting caregivers and enhancing children’s medical journeys.
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