Episode 46 | Pediatric Pain with the Meg Foundation

Episode 46 | Pediatric Pain with the Meg Foundation

Podcast Show Notes

Katie, Certified Child Life Specialist, talks with Jamie Gentille, Director of Child Life Services at Inova Children’s Hospital and Dr. Jody Thomas, from the Meg Foundation for Pain, in this episode.

Dr. Jody Thomas is a licensed clinical psychologist, and specialist in pediatric medical illness and trauma and the founder of the Meg Foundation for Pain. She discusses the mission of their organization which addresses pain in children head-on. Listeners today will walk away with a better understanding about why children shouldn’t be in pain if there are ways to reduce it as well as tangible tools the foundation is working on to support parents and children.

Jamie adds her own perspective as someone who has spent her life in the medical world, personally and professionally. Jamie’s stories show the reality of how the trauma of pain in childhood has effected her to this day.

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